Notice for the presentation of industrial research projects and experimental development in the 12 specialization areas identified in the 2015-2020 PNR


Name of the beneficiary and title of the project :

Valle del Crati Group Srl

Industrial research and experimental development project in the 12 specialization areas identified by the NRP 2015 - 2020 - VALTIFRU 4.0 "Enhancement of the nut and fresh processed fruit supply chains with high added value"

Main objective of the operation:

VALTIFRU4.0 aims to address some of the paradoxes of Italian agro-food, in the sector of nuts and processed fruit: a long and glorious tradition of cultivation (with often unique vegetable materials), in many cases reduced to almost complete (chestnut, almond and hazelnut) or susceptible to significant product and/or process improvements for processed fruit (apricot, fig, plum). The selection criteria of the species being studied take into account: a) the tradition in the panorama of southern fruit production, b) a high value from a nutritional point of view, c) being currently neglected or susceptible to considerable improvements from a production point of view or for new finished products that can be obtained and finally, d) the fact that the fruits or derived products have a strong demand on the Italian and/or international markets. We will operate through an integrated approach between research and production that develops along all the main stages of the supply chains, summarized in eight implementation objectives through which the project will develop. 1. Plant material (availability, germplasm characterization and traceability along the supply chain)2. Optimized management of the orchard (precision farming)3. Conditioning and first processing processes4. Processing/transformation/use of by-products5. Nutraceutical evaluation of the products6. Packaging7. Marketing8. Sustainability of the supply chain. The project fits fully into the context of national and European policies aimed at promoting the so-called fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The goal is to anticipate some technological applications, which often see the agricultural sector and agro-industrial transformations lagging behind. The use of technologies allows, for example, to increase food safety, introduce conscious production practices, increase the level of health of operators, etc. Concretely, this goal can be expressed both from a purely productive point of view (eg, produce more and at lower cost) and from a qualitative point of view (eg, reduce waste or variability in production performance and increase consumer satisfaction ), involving as beneficiaries companies from the SOUTH in less developed regions, which will take advantage of the technological skills of the University of the NORTHERN.

Project costs by beneficiary and by operating area (€)

OVERALL TOTAL (Industrial Research + Experimental Development) € 2,510,000.00

Project subsidies by beneficiary and by operating area (€)

OVERALL TOTAL (Industrial Research + Experimental Development) € 1,255,000.00