Pizza crema di cime, datterino giallo e salame - Valle del Crati

Pizza is always pizza. A timeless dish that everyone really likes!

This version conquers just by looking at it... pizza topped with our Turnip Greens cream, yellow datterino tomatoes, provola cheese, spicy salami and basil.

An exceptional mix of flavours for a winning result!

Ingredients for the pizza (dose for 3 loaves of about 265g)

· 500g 0 flour (W280)

· 300g cold water

· 2g fresh brewer's yeast

· 12g salt 


Dissolve the yeast in the water and knead with the flour, when the dough is well mixed add the salt and finish the kneading even if it is still not quite smooth. Cover and leave to rest for a couple of hours before doing a round of folds in the bowl and a kneading, cover and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning take the dough out of the fridge, which will be a little hard, and form into balls, cover or seal in a plastic container and wait for the dough to rise at room temperature, until it is rolled out and baked (of course if it is rising quickly it should be placed in the fridge or in a warm place if it is rising slowly).
